
Dylan Calvo - Stagedoor Manor!

Posted by Jason King on Aug 02 2018 at 04:44PM PDT

This summer, Dylan Calvo, an 8th-grade theatre arts student, returned to the Stagedoor Manor, an immersive theatre camp in Loch Sheldrake, New York, that specializes in training with professionals, took part in a full-length live production that had burst into spontaneous song and dance with the other participants.

Upon arrival, Dylan was greeted by friendly staff in wacky costumes. After moving into his dorm, it was time for auditions. Stagedoor Manor produces 14 professional productions each session. Dylan had explained that all of the kids are very talented, so sometimes you can’t always get a lead role. He continued to explain that the participants are taught that there are no small parts, just small actors. If you are in an ensemble, the director always finds a way to give each person the spotlight at some point during the show – Dylan really appreciated that.

Productions this year included shows such as Rent, Mary Poppins, Mamma Mia!, 42nd street and Jekyll and Hyde. Dylan was placed in the propduction Some Enchanted Evening, which was based on the musicals of Rodgers and Hammerstein. Dylan had explained that this was a difficult show to learn because his cast was not familiar with the material and had to learn 78 different songs. Thankfully, they had an experienced Broadway Director who had the cast ready for the show.

The participants had two long rehearsals per day with classes in between. The classes focused on vocal coaching, physical comedy and master level tap dancing. Physical comedy was Dylan’s favorite this year, as he learned to fall, spit and get pied in the face for an hour every day! Dylan also learned classic comedic tricks.

After three weeks of hard work, they were ready for a show weekend. The sets and costumes were made by professional carpenters and costume designers. His two favorite shows this year were two opposing but amazing productions, Mary Poppins and Jekyll & Hyde. They shared the same theater, yet one is Disney and the other is about a horrific serial killer. Because Dylan thought that both shows were so good, he purchased both videos to share with the Windermere Prep faculty and Thespian Troupes.

Dylan summarized his Stagedoor Manor experience in one word, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! It’s a once in a lifetime experience that he would recommend to anyone interested in theater.

Congratulations, Dylan!


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